Monday, March 9, 2020

Prayer Is Bridges of the Imaginal Mind

I am not sure I know many people who's lives have not experienced the brush stroke of prayer. We call out to possibility from the warmest places of heart and spirit. We join forces into re-creation from the long time voice of prayer. Now it is the age of expansion and growth. Now it is a time when the imaginal mind brings the creative force, out of isolation. Prayer is not the only modality the imaginal mind has. We are in a time of expanding our daily practices from those vital fires of Beauty and Love. We brilliantly lead with this mindedness in hand with our logical minded skills. Humanity sometimes storming and sometimes as a warm gentle breeze, makes it's way here into this expansion.

I know my imaginal mind brings forth from a co-creation of my imagination and structures, instructions, inspirations and play from the Divine. Robert Moss's writings have been the most helpful for me. "The imaginal realm is a fundamental ground of knowledge and experience. In this realm human imagination meets intelligences from higher realities, and they co-construct places of healing, instruction and initiation. Here ideas and powers beyond the grasp of the ordinary human mind - call them archetypes, tutelary spirits, gods or daimons - take on guises humans can begin to perceive and understand." He writes of the advances in hard science, especially in the field of psychoneuroimmunology that "supply overwhelming evidence that the body believes in images, and that our thoughts and feelings can make us sick or make us well." Instinctually and practical sense wise, who of us does not know the thoughts and feelings that can heal? Robert goes on to say, "There is a world between time and eternity with structures created by thought that outlast anything on earth."

It takes practice to bring about a wholeness of mind. It takes practice. I find a heart full of wonder (Does not the kingdom belong to the child?) works well to recognize and open the doors into these realms. As Robert suggests, " You may enter through the gate of dreams, or the gate of death or on nights when you drop your body like a bathrobe." Forming sight into synchronicities grows the imaginal mind and paths into and from the day. Action brightens and eases this expansion of the human mind. Hand in hand we grow.

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