Monday, March 2, 2020

Galactic Birth Marks

My dreams have shifted a bit into an astral/galactic theme. This is from last nights dream.

I am a young member of an intergalactic team.  We observe and investigate births. I am learning how to detect five patterns of birth. When a birth happens in at least one of these conditions I am responsible for placing the stone. In what feels analogous to a kitchen I discover a birth about to happen. My vision is localized so all I observe is a wall surface that looks metallic but is not fully solid, nor is it cold. Some one from the group who has not entered this space, reviews the five designs or conditions with me. I find this one forming from the first set. I reach my hand into a space that feels of Love and Beauty. I bring forth that vibration cupped in my hands into this kitchen feeling space. I hold my hands steady, cupped until a stone forms. I write on the stone knowing that this provides something like a beacon and protective field. I know there is something like an archangel, or perhaps more like a warrior/fairy goddess mother that will come when needed or called by this being about to be birthed.

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