Sunday, December 29, 2019


When I was in girl scouts my Mom was one of our leaders. On an outing we stopped for ice cream and a Woman, perhaps homeless, stopped to talk with me. My Mom waved me over observably concerned. She said something around the lines of “that woman could be dangerous”. I wanted to finish listening to this woman’s story. I reassured Mom that it would be ok, she had eyes on me the whole time. Nothing bad was going to happen. I went back to finish our conversation and asked the Woman why people might be afraid of her. I remember she gave me this brilliant answer. I listened to a few of her stories and saw and felt Beauty. I will never forget what she said to me when I went to go rejoin the group. “I Love you little one.” I knew that love and spoke it back to her. This was the first time that I can remember sensing fear, attached to a thought, attached to a larger fearful collective thinking from my Mom.  I knew it wasn’t healthy how Mom acted on this thought form she was attached to. I am talking health, not bad or good.

I do believe Love and Beauty are of the same field “that arises from the grammar of the world”, and therefore connected deeply to Creator. I believe the human heart easily grows within this field. I am wondering if those that have long practiced acting from this relationship of heart and say this ancient creator force, have a steady Beauty about them. I am not talking personality trait. I have met too many grumpy old farts holding a steady pulse within this Way. I am not talking about Beauty in the sense of that Barbie Doll beauty that Hollywood throws up like some monster factory for profit. That is not Beauty.  

John O’Donahue wrote a lovely book called Beauty. The one comment I don’t agree with is when he says, Beauty does not linger, it only visits.   I find it similar to how Carlo Rovelli in his book The Order of Time, writes about linear time “not being of the grammar of the world”, but arises from it. I believe there is an undeniable coupling of Love and Beauty that play in the relational experiences of this world.  

I am no longer surprised by the warm safety and pulsing Beauty that is present in my intentional community of active dreamers. The foundation that we hold to is communication from a steady diet of welcoming play as we speak,” If It Were Me.” How fantastic really this is. We listen to one story in the Lightning Dream Game fashion and we want to hear all the stories that are brought in from the inspiration of that one story.  I hear and understand more of what it is to be a Thunderer with this Lightning dream work. This basic communication system frees us from that harsh dualistic banter that I find has taken the stage in our corporate news media stations. It feels like throw up to me. I wonder about individuals stuck in dualistic thinking constantly bantering, me vs you, or us vs them or she vs he. Perhaps making it a habit to act from fear attached to a thought, attached to a larger fearful collective thinking form creates this style of speech. Speech being an action, I find this an unhealthy habit of action. Habits can always be changed. The swiftest path for me to Re Member myself to Love and Beauty is to access my child.  Children are my favorite teachers.

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