Saturday, July 25, 2020

Balcony Holder

I have the whole day to myself on the farm. This is the ending of a very strange vacation. I didn't travel south to see my family and I ate cookies at midnight watching a movie on fostering children. I have been comet gazing, but last night the clouds and rain and thunder kept me in. I was so awake after the cookies and decided to polish off a chapter called myths and molecules.

I'm not sure when I transitioned out of reading into a dream where I was at the edge of the woods deciding if I would take the hand of this woman reaching from the woods edge. Perhaps having my self in bed awake inside this scene, had my dreaming self brave up and take her hand? Again I don't know how I transitioned from walking in the woods beside this woman to working and living with a family from Mexico with more than two children. I spent the night waking up into dreams of woods and not awake to the transition from one dream to another.

My favorite dream of the woods was me as my archer self standing rather taller than my body in bed. I woke in front of this lovely oak who was talking to me. Someone had trimed the top off of his canopy, but he appeared to have enough to thrive. He asked me if I wanted to come for a walk in the woods with him. Gabby, my dog was a bit afraid of him and he understood I wouldn't go without her. He then bowed his head in an offering of a balcony space for Gabby on top of his canopy. She was wagging her tail and jumped all in. I walked beside him and then a ripple, the light shifted into richer colors. I love this wood where I feel at home in. The green is so rich. There's no sensual distinction of mind that says I am plant life, I am animal animal life, water life... It's as if all life were joined in this richness, perhaps creation flowing. Not that we all are singular minded or not unique in form. Maybe it's that we beat in one heart? It is difficult to describe. Perhaps heaven is useful a word?  We made our way to a milky white moon clearing. Gabby jumped down and laid with me to gaze at the stars.  Then this oak who's name I can't pronounce and don't dare attempt to write, creates an arch so his face is looking upward. Gabby starts barking and running under and around the arch. I am laughing on the grass wondering where the comet is.  The oak I will call Balcony Holder goes into a stillness I can not match.

Again I did not wake up during the transition from this last dream to my feet touching the floor, out of bed and onto the front lawn. A squirrel crossed the yard and Gabby was gone into the small wooded area. I stood there with the lovely barn swallows excited in this last day of my vacation. I thought sense this is still my vacation, I'm going to let the dishes stack up. I'm going to write and grow some adventurous stories.

I went to feed the goats and horse after my morning coffee and a funny tongue and cheek post about disorderly nuts in the pantry. Kind of gave me a chuckle and feeling of no worries, that man has a clear orderliness for his nuts in the pantry. The goats and horse didn't appear in high excitement for the day. I wonder where they wandered in their dreams? I then had a thought, perhaps with that old oak, Balcony Holder, I am safe during the transitions. Oak has much meaning for me. On my way back to grab my bow and arrows I thought, oh boy are we in a messy, chaotic transition time.

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