Saturday, March 7, 2020

Flashlighting From The Imaginal Realm

I have no interest in the reader who might wish to gaslight this reality. Those readers who's mind is speaking, "bullshit piece of new age weirdness", I hope will stop reading at this sentence. I am interested in the reader that knows this reality or is open to experiencing it.

This is the realm of reality I speak from, "The Imaginal Realm is a fundamental ground of knowledge and experience. In this realm human imagination meets intelligences from higher realities, and co-construct places of healing, instruction and initiation. Here the ideas and powers beyond the grasp of the ordinary human mind - call them archetypes, tutelary spirits, gods or daimons - take on guises humans can begin to perceive and understand. "
Robert Moss
Blog post Wednesday October 24, 2018
Mysterious Realities: An Interview about Many Worlds, parallel lives, kairomany and dream travel

My dream: I am prey, a rabbit I suspect. I am running at an alarming rate through the underbrush. My very human dreamers mind talks, "There is no thought here. Only alarm." I notice my body in bed is being affected. I wake softly into the inbetween and relax my physical body. Then back into the dream. I am now the predator, a golden eagle. I am flying away and up. Such a luscious sensation of ease and what? My human mind, or perhaps some spirit helper, throws up an image to associate all these sensations into. I see a cast iron skillet mounted on a rooftop. As we land on it I jump from the body of this animal to watch. I see the eagle flapping her wings. I see talons holding and the beak ripping. I look behind the wings flapping and an image of windows in M.C. Escher style are closing and opening. Past the image are lights of a soft glow with the patterns creating from their movements. I can see the patterns into a cohesive design of beauty growing .

Feeling upon waking: high alert, not alarmed, restless

Reality Check: I get up to go to my own bedroom to sleep. It's 1:00 am. Eric gets up and we both see a light pulsing, brighter then dimmer in my bed room. I muster up my courage and before I step in the light stops. When I go to attempt sleep my dog jumps out of bed three times. She is not only barking as she peers out of the kitchen window, she is doing this unusually howling sound. We go outside once between 2:00 and 3:00 to stand under a clear sky and blustery wind. This morning Eric goes in to check what was making that light go on and off. He couldn't find any visual solution and suggests it was the humidifier. I haven't turned that on all week I say. He goes back to his work in his office, but my mind is still in what if mode.

If this was your experience...

Image: Audubon Society

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