Friday, February 7, 2020

Choose Your Mind

"... I hope that you'll always remember that your life is charmed, and that your magic is you; and you don't have to prove anything to yourself or anyone else to get it!"
Jane Roberts
The Further Education of Oversoul Seven

I wake up at 4:00am and review a dream. When I go to look up the name of a cartoon that was playing on the IPad in the dream, I see I have a text from my sister in messenger. She is in Copenhagen. Next I am back to sleep with some delightful energy, including a read about trees from a dear Dallas sister.

Choose Your Mind
I am walking up steps into a building like the style of the University Library in Copenhagen, except the arches are created from pillars of trees that design themselves into the red brick. The lights from the windows vary in shape, color, intensity and movement. As I step through the door way I feel the heart pulse of these trees and movement of brick so luscious. When I go inside and I am discovered to be from Earth, there is a conference of elders. At this point I don't know if I am in trouble, a celebrity or something other? What happened next had me chanting, don't leave this dream, stay calm, stay calm I experience a bustle of lights varying in color and intensity presenting in the shape of spheres down the hallway. Then they dart towards me as if they might spear into me, they do not. What comes next is a luscious sensation of shaking and tidal waving into my space or creating space? They step into human form at this point. 

We can offer you a choice of any mind you wish. 

An immense delight wells up inside me, again I chant, stay calm, stay calm… 
Well ok, I have many curiosities like science and art, sensation exploration, and Beauty. 

Oh yes. Excellent.

We move into the first archway as if we were floating like the candles in the commons area in Harry Potter. First the literary mind. I watch a swirl of light and colors with a delight and feel pleased that I no longer need to chant. I am finally grounded and centered here. This mixture is then held into an embrace by one and we move onto the next arches. When they prepare me to leave I catch the concept that they were surprised to see me again. Before I could ask what this meant they opened their embraces and a tapestry formed, warm and safe around my body. I shoot like a bullet back to my body in bed. I was surprised not to startle awake but lingered instead on that very thin edge of liminal.  

Some of my thoughts on the liminal edge: I think of what my teacher says and knows for himself. I have the map inside me to return. I am determined to return with this tapestry woven from my choose of minds and experinces here in this body on earth. How fantastic this second half of life. I am hoping to bring back delight to those that wrapped me safe and warm, lit up in swirls of color. I wonder, how many times has my Soul visited this place? I don't even know what this place/space is? What if I wrote my way back? What would that look like? Perhaps this: I write two stories. One as an ancient Soul having lived many lives on other worlds and this is my first visit to the world called Earth. One where I am an ancient Soul, having lived many lives on Earth and preparing to live on another for the first time. This world just there at the edge of my dreams, stirs an aching longing and so i know I have lived it before. The thing is both stories, holding no time, are the same story. Kind of like how when one lives in the Now, future and past are available without directionality. 

Feelings upon waking fully into my body in bed: 1. Excitement (chanting and breathing deep: breath, breath, breath…) 2. Surprise. I didn't startle awake away from the liminal edge as I felt so much  excitement. 3. Love. 

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