Sunday, December 29, 2019


When I was in girl scouts my Mom was one of our leaders. On an outing we stopped for ice cream and a Woman, perhaps homeless, stopped to talk with me. My Mom waved me over observably concerned. She said something around the lines of “that woman could be dangerous”. I wanted to finish listening to this woman’s story. I reassured Mom that it would be ok, she had eyes on me the whole time. Nothing bad was going to happen. I went back to finish our conversation and asked the Woman why people might be afraid of her. I remember she gave me this brilliant answer. I listened to a few of her stories and saw and felt Beauty. I will never forget what she said to me when I went to go rejoin the group. “I Love you little one.” I knew that love and spoke it back to her. This was the first time that I can remember sensing fear, attached to a thought, attached to a larger fearful collective thinking from my Mom.  I knew it wasn’t healthy how Mom acted on this thought form she was attached to. I am talking health, not bad or good.

I do believe Love and Beauty are of the same field “that arises from the grammar of the world”, and therefore connected deeply to Creator. I believe the human heart easily grows within this field. I am wondering if those that have long practiced acting from this relationship of heart and say this ancient creator force, have a steady Beauty about them. I am not talking personality trait. I have met too many grumpy old farts holding a steady pulse within this Way. I am not talking about Beauty in the sense of that Barbie Doll beauty that Hollywood throws up like some monster factory for profit. That is not Beauty.  

John O’Donahue wrote a lovely book called Beauty. The one comment I don’t agree with is when he says, Beauty does not linger, it only visits.   I find it similar to how Carlo Rovelli in his book The Order of Time, writes about linear time “not being of the grammar of the world”, but arises from it. I believe there is an undeniable coupling of Love and Beauty that play in the relational experiences of this world.  

I am no longer surprised by the warm safety and pulsing Beauty that is present in my intentional community of active dreamers. The foundation that we hold to is communication from a steady diet of welcoming play as we speak,” If It Were Me.” How fantastic really this is. We listen to one story in the Lightning Dream Game fashion and we want to hear all the stories that are brought in from the inspiration of that one story.  I hear and understand more of what it is to be a Thunderer with this Lightning dream work. This basic communication system frees us from that harsh dualistic banter that I find has taken the stage in our corporate news media stations. It feels like throw up to me. I wonder about individuals stuck in dualistic thinking constantly bantering, me vs you, or us vs them or she vs he. Perhaps making it a habit to act from fear attached to a thought, attached to a larger fearful collective thinking form creates this style of speech. Speech being an action, I find this an unhealthy habit of action. Habits can always be changed. The swiftest path for me to Re Member myself to Love and Beauty is to access my child.  Children are my favorite teachers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Pilgrimage and the Remaking of the Obelisk
(Writing from Dreams)

On a pilgrimage with a small group that I can feel but not see, I wake up walking toward a townhouse in a cityscape. I have the map in my mind of the hostels that will take us in along the way. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. A man in a shower robe answers. My mind from this life with my body in bed dreaming this dream whispers, He looks like that painting I saw of Seth. I will call this mind Patty in this telling of the story. The round faced man looks at me and announces that I must have the wrong house. Another one that I travel with presents an Obelisk about six feet tall. I am that one now bringing the Obelisk out that we easily carry in the style of Mary Poppins or Hermione Granger. It is a new Obelisk, re-made from a ceremony of woman placing corners stones of unique colors.  We say, We are here to see "bla,bla". The man in the robe says, "Oh you mean the Doctor. Yes please come in."

We enter and make our way down the spiral steps to a cavernous area lit from the pool of water. I feel familiarity and that lovely longing stirring. I am slower, more graceful a form here. I slip into the waters and see my sisters break away into several personalities to swim in the water. Our collective sensation is that we have been traveling too long without immersing in the waters. Now I am scanning for a companion I have known most of my Being. As I reach out through time I find him slipping into this cavernous pool here where the water is such a peaceful glow. He is in his new Avatar body and I notice I have a new one also. Our skin is white and seems to glow with the waters when immersed. We spend time in conversation about our travels and discoveries. Then we join in a warm love making. Our hips joined together offering upward immersed in the glow of these waters. I step out of the water and put on clothing, unlike my traveling clothes. I walk up the stairs to a different dream space. Entering a TV room just left of the front door,  I see two younger sisters to Patty. They are watching their favorite show. One sister looks like herself and the other doesn't look like herself. I say hello, but don't stay to watch the program.

Feeling: anticipation of more chapters to come

Reality Check: 1. When I shared this with my younger sisters, the one that didn't look like herself told me she had been playing mermaids with her grandson the day before. What was intriguing is that they had never watched a mermaid show and her grandson decided she should play the evil mermaid. Evil to my grand nephew means being chased and caught and chased again. 2. There is a whole other story that I slipped into and I witness the re-making of the Obelisk among women. 3. I have dreamt of a spirit home for me where there is a pool in it that has a feel of this level of dreaming.

Question: I don't understand what I wrote, "...and see my sisters break away into several personalities." The sisters I am referring to are those I am traveling with. I am thinking it has to do with Avatar bodies? What does the Seth series say about personalities?
                How do I work on getting better at recognizing words I speak in dreams? I often wake and it's all bla bla. I do retain a conceptual understanding when I wake from languages I can not re speak here.

Research: Robert Moss writes about Seth as describing himself as, "I am an energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical matter... " This from Robert's interesting blog post, The inner psychic combustion that gave us a great multidimensional teacher:.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

This Land My Home

I love how the horizon surrounds me in 360 degree vision on this prairie farm. Much happens along the edges. In those early hours where time is still and the portals open wide, I wake to the sound track "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." I drift back into the dreaming state and am greeted by some ancient veil maker, the Gatekeeper, who offers me my choice of thickness and style. You choose, I say to the Gatekeeper.  I wrap myself in the thin, milky white moon light. Veiled now, I travel onward.

I wake up to my body in bed and go out with our puppy for a moon walk. I am wrapped in hygge, all cozy in my inherited Mother's thick dyne. I heard the moon passes the beehive cluster this week. There it was like some half eaten milky cookie, all lit up and at home in the deep dark clear sky this land supports. The clearer the deep, the easier one sees the light of others. I don't have a favorite phase of the moon anymore.

On my second walk around the farm I went to the apple tree. The sun joined the moon in the vast prairie sky.  On this land horizons and grasses ripple whisperings of Spirit. We are not only Sky country, we are of the Winds here. The Buffalo, guardians of Earth, are sure footed and easily hold the land for the Wind and Sky. The sensation of trees, expressing the wind this sunny morning, felt like the times I stood on the Pacific beach shore with the waves thundering in. The Thunderers, there on the horizon, are whispering their support in the wind, a cautionary voice to any wintery monsters who might wish to jump in prematurely.

On my way back to my house I walked past you old sad red barn, knowing it is not my place to restore you. None the less I pray for your restoration into new bright stories for the families that may come to live on this land. Always I wonder where the scholarships are for all the old barns across this midwestern farm country. Those whose hinges are coming apart, dropping doors or windows to the ground could use more then a fresh coat of paint. So much could be done with a barn. I pass the silo and think surely there are scholarships for renewal and inventive projects for all the old farm buildings. Back into the house now. I finish my writing and I am thrilled to discover my new sexy editor has time to read it.  

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Beginning of the Return of the Giants

Once upon a long long time ago our ancestors talked stories of Giants. This was after the Giants had left the world to linger in that in between space that supports the world in the same magical way love does. It came to pass that a younger daughter of a Miller, raised in Norway where stories of Giants still lingered, discovered a passage and the real of in between. Modern day physics talks about it in the word dimension, in between seems a more specific wording.

As Waymir grew she dreamt with the Giants and came into her own way, transforming into a Giant herself in the in between space where the mind awakens to soul's senses.  Once when she was grown and a mother of two she was gifted with a magic frame of all the children who had touched her life so deeply. In that deep knowing way of her heart carried this frame into the world of Giants. Giants are known to be grand protectors of children.

Each night that Waymir brought the frame through, a golden canvas with in it's boarders grew. When the canvas was complete , the Giants taught her how to stir it into the flow and pulse with the river that imbues all life in the universe. It took her many visits before she broke from the enamored spell of being able to do this. No longered enamored she felt a Joy to stay the luscious sensation of the river flow within. All life was there pulsing fresh, vibrant in the sensations of Soul.

The Giants gathered around her now with curiosity. What would she do with this skill to thrive as she stirred the golden liquid alive? Waymir came into her name as she grew the skill of holding awareness here and with her small body in bed a sleep. I will step into it she announced. I wish to explore the different states and it's lands. She started with the big blue planet many call Earth. This was the beginning of the stirring of the Giants back into the worlds.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Why Have We Denounced Dreaming as Something Weird or Useless or Just a Bunch of Chemicals Lighting Up?
I love the early Christian churches the best, the ones that gathered on the mount before cathedrals were built. A time when Mary Magdalene was not branded a prostitute, when the Mary's were equal followers. After reading the bible through several times in my life I decided long ago that Jesus had to have been extremely progressive for women's rights as compared to his Jewish community, or Roman or other Gentile communities around him. It was Mary who was chosen to be witness at the tomb after all. So now I am wondering what else do we not preach about in the life of the communities of the Bible?
Well here's one biggy that bites my chaps, we do not talk about the human gift and skills of dreaming. We say prophet and that puts dreaming in a speciality light. Those that tell the stories for their community from the mind of God, become prophets because they have the courage to speak. Those truth tellers of courage that speak from the heart and language that dream space for the good of community and self growth are not a speciality group. Every single human being is born to dream in the night and during the day bring those skills to life. I suppose that makes prophets of us all.
And when we lose our dreaming? When a mass forgetting and loss occurs in a society, what then of God and Spirit within the wholeness of culture? One correspondence I have heard during a medical oriented workshop is Depression. Another I have heard is Soul Loss. I figure it is a symptom of social disease when I hear," it's only a dream". Or It's "just" the mind dumping out images from the day. How about those really weird dreams we all try to forget? Most often the ones we wake up with and think that's just really weird, hold future viewing elements.
Here is a recent example from my own night dreaming experiences into a day experience of line dancing at a concert I recently went to. I dreamt the night before I was with a group of women in a staff meeting. I left the meeting and saw another group doing a line dance and joined in. Of course when I woke up my first thought was that this could be about my new job. When I was waiting in line with a bunch of women to use the public rest room and saw the dancing line moving around the crowd at the concert, I knew I would have a blast dancing and my bladder could wait a bit.
I am a dream teacher and can guide you into your own personal understanding and symbology of your dream world. With a bit of guidance in the active dreaming ways you will also help yourself to grow and know your habits of mind. I do believe it is time to shed the guru attitude that we have to go to some one else to find the higher answers. Didn't the protestant movement step away from the priest mediator and a whole movement organized that knew they could communicate with God directly?
Creator has given us this vital way to use our humanity. It can be scary. It also can be a chance to work past scary into healing of traumas. Becoming a conscious dreaming society once again will bring the playgrounds back into this world! Ask Jesus, one of his roles in the world was as an awesome prophet after all.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Challenge for the Woman Who Would Be President (adapted from JFK's 1962 "We Choose to go to the Moon" Speach)

It is time to take care of more then what we can view from our kitchen window. We choose to go to the Presidency. Why choose policy making positions of power? But why some say, the Presidency? And they may well ask, why go to the moon? We choose to go to the Presidency, not because it is easy. But because it is necessary. Policy must change to organize the best of our energies and skills for a Vital Earth. It is a challenge we are willing to take, one that can not be postponed any longer. And we will win.


Along the way
Between 25 and 59
I lost
My Perfection

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Be A Chooser

I can guide you out of the
                                          Be Wilderment
I can show you paths
I have learned
I will not talk until I am blue
Follow me a bit
Into your own
Along my sharing
Your paths will sprout
And then you must
Among the greenery your uniqueness
Wether I follow or
Walk side by side
Makes no difference

It is in the sharing where Magic blossoms


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Magic Ones

Whispering, the fox urged me to open my eyes. There outside your window the suns sphere is re-birthing into the horizon. Open your eyes. Open your vision to this world. Breath. A deep orange infused my bed room. I jumped out of bed half believing I would be swimming in liquid light. Even more spectacular I seemed to be breathing in radiance. I paused to check if I was still dreaming, was this some world where the fox and two leggeds talk like old friends meeting for a morning coffee? No, this is earth where my body lies still so my soul may travel to fields of play such as I came from. I walk outside now, still breathing in and out a radiance of sensations as if I have never lived here before. Variations of orange into yellow take place among a blue where drifting cloudy whites unveil above me. How fantastic this world is. How can it be I feel this in such a new way?
I paused to remember were I just traveled from. I was with a vibrant orange fox in a field of play, liquid in movement. We swam and did not generate breath that is so vibrant here, alive upon the horizon. We swam into a painting to have coffee in a sunny France beside a rebuilt Notre-Dame, pouring out stain glass light into the square. We were a people of the Rose. We brought medicines to our clan beside a river. Before the shape shifting of fox back to her ancient form, she whispered me awake to my body in bed. We took a single breath here together and I understood it's medicine to her people beside the river. I wonder now, has she ever lived here in this fantastic world alive with breath and color? Who are these people of the Rose?

Photo: Linda Fox

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Library

I love the smell of the library, like fresh ancient magic that warms the mind into all sorts of wonderment. What better place is there for this explorer? The large hall entrance easily a portal to other reality levels, receives the winds with an impeccable temperature of compassion. The tapestries I see through a doorway always opened, tempt me. I have long past the temptress tests and therefore will not be distracted from this quest. I am here by authority of a dream fragment, a book given to me titled,"Growing a Writers Life". There are straight staircases and I went up one once to view my private room of paintings into my personal future. There are spiraling staircases that make a kind of music as you step. I suspect the harmonics in the play using these staircases come from the luscious discoveries taking place within the sanctuaries provided to individuals along the spiral path. I have never reached the top of this particular stair case and some how that desire seems stupid and nonsensical.

My excitement grows as I walk the steps, this time as if piano keys in rhythm of a glow of from a room not unlike a bears den. I step in and there's a smell of oak and freshness is here. To my left a shimmer and she steps through to sit at the long table in the middle of this cozy space. Books line the walls and the light is not so bright as to hurt my new eyes seeing. She barely looks at me, " I wish you would return here more often. I have this book on loan and could use your help with it." She roles out a marvelous sheet of material to make a map for our further adventures. She takes out a quill and my eyes go big. I know that quill, it is ours.

I am hoping she can not feel the happiness and sadness all rolled up together I am feeling at the sight of my adolescent self. She wears the cotton dress that catches and weaves patterns from the rippling of color on the timeless paths. She wears sandals and speaks so easily the words of her thoughts. Somewhere along the development of me I lost this skills.  Thinking to myself, "I will have to teach her patience with me". She turns a look my way and flashes a fragment of a dream into my mind. A geometry of a living flower lit with color and hues of pulsing light drop petals. Each petal a variation of geometry, partnership symbols as portals into adventures and endeavors we have already completed. We both break out into laughter that only old friends are privy to. I sit the book I came with down on the long table. She smiles our minds together and we open the book she shimmered in with. We read.  Our hands are one now. We read and let the quill and mapping material do their magic as we draw symbols into an unfolding path. I smile and pocket all this experience as a key to our way home.

Waking into my body in bed, not unlike the quill, I type this dream reality into story.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Change, Bugs Bunny and the Feminine Art of Trickster

Sharon Ede in an article titled Bugs Bunny, Archetypes and The Art of War for Change writes: Yet the process of achieving change, which I like to think of as switching the frequency, can often feel like a battle. In terms of archetypes, the concept of a trickster is not necessarily someone who deceives others into doing things-the role of trickster in mythology and folklore includes raising consciousness, and disobeying norms and conventions. In other words, tricksters can be frequency disruptors.

As a woman finding herself with strong trickster energies disturbing the complacency of her culture, or , "deflating the pompousness of it's symbols". A degree of warrior training seems especially important in cultures promoting a singular place of power for women, behind and in silence from the public and policy making stage. Wikipedia writes that "The job of any trickster... is to think the thoughts and do the things that they say can't be done." This seems especially important for sub marginalized groups such as women kind around the globe.

Bugs Bunny is not just a disruptor as in the scenes from Long Haired Hare, but is clever and capable of outsmarting anyone who would antagonize him. This is demonstrated at the end, in the longer clip from this episode. "Bugs is a tactician who understands the psyche and traits of those around him. "Sharon goes on to write: Bugs is a smart strategist and aware of what goes on around him and what dynamics are at play. Perhaps he has read Sun Tzu's The Art of War from 6 BC? Although change can often feel like 'war' at times... it is not helpful or wise to approach change from a combative mindset. Ironically, one of the messages of this text on warfare is how to avoid battle through meticulous preparation and planning. A powerful quote: "Therefore a victorious army first wins  and then seeks battle; a defeated army first battles and then seeks victory..."

Trickster as an agent for change toward vibrant healing, drops the combative mindset, and grounds deep within her heart to push back. She opens positions of power for her women kind; above, below, within, without, behind, in front, and beside. The Warrior of the Art of Trickster knows when the time is Now and when the time is Go.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


So human
And then
Tending the garden within
Through loving care
Gathering in the bright energy
Dis Ease can not thrive on Mindful ground

A Poem Touched By A Dream

Mountain deep and star so bright
Companioned me all the night
Into the chambers of cavernous sight
Star does glow to see the mystery

No die ease on mindful ground
I shine, I shine and I am found
Land I must for one more round
Humans must know their history

Monday, May 27, 2019

Into The Territory of The Mind of War

When I was visiting my son this past spring, there was this young group who had read Robin Wall Kimmerer's book and were meeting at a yoga studio down the road. The youth that I know today give me the best vision into the bright future.

Sometimes my dreams take a look and a turn into places not unlike Mordor. How many generations will it take to turn the tides of a war riddled culture? Tolkien knew the importance of companions. Let us take courage and quest to shift from this habit of mind twisted from the idus of war . There is The Fellowship of the Land: with some companions to keep the tide at bay, some companions to shift the grip of spirit of that one ring, some companions are Activists who walk through fire, past the hecklers and gossip and scorn, and some companions are Seers, into the form of the bright future.

Slowly attitudes of war leak,  becoming common practice in homes, schools, churches. We become forgetful."Once they were kept in containers marked with skull and crossbones; the infrequent occasions of their use were marked with utmost care that they should come in contact with the target and with nothing else. With the development of the new organic pesticides and the abundance of surplus planes after the second World War, all this was forgotten."
Silent Spring (copyright 1962)
Rachel Carson

"Today the land where the Peacemaker walked and the tree of Peace stood isn't land at all, but beds of industrial waste sixty feet deep... Onondaga is a rarity in the United States, a Native nation that has never surrendered its traditional government, never given up it's identity, not compromised it's status as a sovereign nation,"
On March 11, 2005 the Onondaga Nation filed a complaint in federal court, so that they may once again exercise their caregiving responsibilities..They did not call their suit a land claim. Their intelligence as a people knew, and continues to know they're companionship to the sustainer of life. They did not call for relocation of residence, nor ask to set up a casino. They sought legal title that would enable them to steer a thorough cleanup of the sacred lake.
"In spring 2010, the federal court handed down it's ruling... The case was dismissed. In the face of blind injustice, how do we continue?"
Braiding SweetGrass
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge And The Teaching of Plants (Copyright 2013)
Robin Wall Kimmerer

We must live into the brighter stories and join in a Fellowship of this Land.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Eve's Story of the Fall

There came a time when the stories in the garden were being squeezed into one voice. At first I became bored, but then a stench grew. The winds stopped changing. I suppose that's difficult to imagine, winds that do not shift a single leaf. A singular control stayed in the undercurrents and slowly began to voice; "order, order, order". A slow withering of creation became apparent. Adam could not smell the stagnate stench, but then he never ventured to the far east of Eden. He must have thought that was normal as he slowly adapted. Nothing new grew on the west side. Not a blade of grass moved, the winds did not dance. That singular voice in the west; "order, order, order", thought it could control the winds.

Eve paused her story to look toward me. She saw my eyes for the first time. You see it don't you, in the time you come from? Yes. For us in our time the many realities are becoming hidden and a stench grows. Not all give their power to a singular order. Those that do can not see all the realities there, hugging them as close as the width of a leaf. That wind when it is stilled, where no leaf moves, is an alarming phenomenon in many parts of the world. I encouraged her to go on. When sitting in such a vibrant garden and the gardener wishes to tell me a story, I listen. Please continue Eve, I'm listening.

Along the edge in the far east of Eden a rim developed. I began to put on fins that afforded me here. It was luscious swimming, far away from any hint of time. The stream grew to a river and gratitude was birthed. During this Eden, all that lived in the garden knew their first birth. I swam often in this flow from Source that sourced all potential, the birthing place. It is an uncontainable flow that knows creation.

We looked at each other for a brief moment, as she opened the understanding from this river to the making of the human heart. We giggled at the marvel of it's forming. Then my wonder drew to me and I glanced into another story she knew. But she closed the curtains on that wisp, the width of that leaf turning closed. It was a seeing into the forming of hearts among the trees. Remember, she said, you want to hear the ending of this story. That is your challenge, to fully end one story before diving into another. You will get better at this, it is a challenge many face when the winds dance freely about them and the heart of trees open their wisdoms to them. She gave me a trickster's smile, and I laughed so hard knowing the road that will take me back here for the next story.

Eve continued. Each time I stepped from the river, fins to feet, water drops fell. You might call them inventions or new creations, rain droplets from the act of this transition. There at the edge of Eden was fresh newness all lit up, threads from Source. I was young then and did not know how to stay with the forming of them.

We gazed at each other and a twinkle of knowing the power of stories whispered between us.

I became sad and frequently traveled back west to hold the company of Adam. He was so lonely and continued to refuse to follow me and give his fins a try. As I held his companionship, I watched him step by step overcome his fear of losing the Beauty of Eden. When he looked upon me in those places of fear, he saw me as reckless. He would say, "To give up your feet and leave the sanctuary of Eden is stupidity." We both remember that first time that word was spoken. We laugh at that point in the story, him speaking it and me creating storms from the hearing of it. In this stepping away from his fear, he created an apple tree.

She saw my understanding of what such a feat meant. To bring in creation at the west side of Eden when the undercurrent was loud and stinky,"order, order, order", was the birthing of miracles.

He offered this floral gift to me and I spent many a story close to the apple tree with him. Together we sprouted the most luscious green vital force, a mere sprout then. This is when wonder was born. The tree's flowers blossomed into fruit. We ate the apples and wondered what else we could create together. We did not know our delight threatened that singular voice. That voice that killed the movements of wind and rotted the dream of creation. One night asleep under the apple tree we dreamt and saw a spiral form in the void. The singularity of a one sided order, thought  it could stop all of creation. But I knew this was not the case, I saw the face at the core of the spiral, Adam could not. He had spent no time in the river from Source.

She turned to look at me, a fierce Goddess now thundering, yet holding the calm of her storms within the grace and containment of experience. When I saw this into an image I could understand, she brought that image into a mask that covered her eyes. Through this veil I glimpsed at the face she dreamt. Primal winds like none my body in bed had ever experienced came into the space we shared. I became afraid for my physical body, so newly birthed. She took my hand, stepped me back into the telling of her story and the winds shifted to the gentlest of rhythm. In this transition, I glimpsed another story. Again her eyes in a shift of that trickster smile, warned me to wait before I went chasing after it. In this experience with her, learned something of the trickster way. I could offer a glimpse of further story and then command attention of the listener back to the story unveiling into knowing. I am good at practicing past a challenge. I will find the story I thought to myself, of the child re-born from the zephyrus winds. Before she spoke into an ending of the story of her fall from Eden, we sat for a pause in the garden so that I might come all the way back to myself.

This benevolence turned as a feared faced parent, and spoke through Adam. "You can gaze upon your creation together, but never taste it's fruits." " Why bring need into this paradise I have created?" "Why wonder into a desire of more?" "Is this perfection not enough?" I refused sadness when Adam formed resentment and harbored it's energy toward change. Conflict rose up between us, the companions. It was from this conflict I learned to bring story from beyond the east of Eden to the west. I offered Adam a compromise. "If you still feel we should not eat the apples after you have wore your fins and swam in the river just beyond east of Eden, then I also will stop eating those luscious red creations."

I watched her take a long last breath of this story before it's end. Eve please hurry now, I am drifting back to my body in bed.

It came to past that in Adam's transition from fins to feet, he was unable to contain his love for creation. He ran with a power of wind that I was not able to follow. I was in awe of his quickness. In my pause I noticed he left his fins behind. I took both of ours and stored them deep into a chamber within. When I made it to the apple tree I also could not contain my love as I watched him take the first glorious bite. I strolled over and in a graceful gesture of movement, gently grasped and took a bite and then another. I reached to grasp a seed before it feel and placed it into a warm fertile chamber within. While holding Adams hand, within our wild wonder, we laughed and tumbled to Earth.

As I drifted back to my body in bed I saw her trickster eyes flare and wondered of the story of how she would present Adam his fins.

Art by Kimberly Webber

Monday, May 20, 2019

Language is a magic art
The imaginal mind engages in language rich among species.
When we drop into this mind,

The heart becomes receiver, translator and speaker.

Art by Jennifer Lommers

Saturday, May 18, 2019

To Listen

I am grateful there are no more hours to the day then is afforded to me in the long summer arc of the sun. As the birds sing in the morning and softer as gentle lovers into the night, my Soul. From the night into dawn, even when I come from places where horrors threaten to gobble up peace, I feel this reset that nourishes. Each morning awaking into this moment of time and body, Spirit whispers, you are here now. Remember yourself. I spread into this life. I have learned my anchors. If I had no anchor I would spread too open the sails to the winds. The noisy people who have lost their harmony that dwell in this time would be unbearable. I am practiced, with many anchors and can fall in love with an ease now into this body and time. This morning waking into gentleness, there is a shift in the winds across my Soul. This is the still gentle wind, I am steadied. To experience breath in a symphonious union of Spirit, my mind smiles and is still.

Art by Ed Org

Friday, May 17, 2019

Of The Rose

Star so bright
You shine upon me this night
You watch the sprouting of my growth
Silky red petals brought to light

With my blossom stretched so wide
My petals to the wind and Star beside
Your light does pierce upon my silk
Poetry and music as the lied

I greet you as flower to star
In my longing, no need to travel afar
Season into season you shine your light
Together we make the Avatar

Art by Igor Vladimirovich Belkovsky

Lucid Into the Memory of the People

I dreamt a memory of grandmother. I woke into the dream sitting with grandmother in front of a boulder rock in a river bed. She was teaching...