Monday, July 29, 2019

Why Have We Denounced Dreaming as Something Weird or Useless or Just a Bunch of Chemicals Lighting Up?
I love the early Christian churches the best, the ones that gathered on the mount before cathedrals were built. A time when Mary Magdalene was not branded a prostitute, when the Mary's were equal followers. After reading the bible through several times in my life I decided long ago that Jesus had to have been extremely progressive for women's rights as compared to his Jewish community, or Roman or other Gentile communities around him. It was Mary who was chosen to be witness at the tomb after all. So now I am wondering what else do we not preach about in the life of the communities of the Bible?
Well here's one biggy that bites my chaps, we do not talk about the human gift and skills of dreaming. We say prophet and that puts dreaming in a speciality light. Those that tell the stories for their community from the mind of God, become prophets because they have the courage to speak. Those truth tellers of courage that speak from the heart and language that dream space for the good of community and self growth are not a speciality group. Every single human being is born to dream in the night and during the day bring those skills to life. I suppose that makes prophets of us all.
And when we lose our dreaming? When a mass forgetting and loss occurs in a society, what then of God and Spirit within the wholeness of culture? One correspondence I have heard during a medical oriented workshop is Depression. Another I have heard is Soul Loss. I figure it is a symptom of social disease when I hear," it's only a dream". Or It's "just" the mind dumping out images from the day. How about those really weird dreams we all try to forget? Most often the ones we wake up with and think that's just really weird, hold future viewing elements.
Here is a recent example from my own night dreaming experiences into a day experience of line dancing at a concert I recently went to. I dreamt the night before I was with a group of women in a staff meeting. I left the meeting and saw another group doing a line dance and joined in. Of course when I woke up my first thought was that this could be about my new job. When I was waiting in line with a bunch of women to use the public rest room and saw the dancing line moving around the crowd at the concert, I knew I would have a blast dancing and my bladder could wait a bit.
I am a dream teacher and can guide you into your own personal understanding and symbology of your dream world. With a bit of guidance in the active dreaming ways you will also help yourself to grow and know your habits of mind. I do believe it is time to shed the guru attitude that we have to go to some one else to find the higher answers. Didn't the protestant movement step away from the priest mediator and a whole movement organized that knew they could communicate with God directly?
Creator has given us this vital way to use our humanity. It can be scary. It also can be a chance to work past scary into healing of traumas. Becoming a conscious dreaming society once again will bring the playgrounds back into this world! Ask Jesus, one of his roles in the world was as an awesome prophet after all.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Challenge for the Woman Who Would Be President (adapted from JFK's 1962 "We Choose to go to the Moon" Speach)

It is time to take care of more then what we can view from our kitchen window. We choose to go to the Presidency. Why choose policy making positions of power? But why some say, the Presidency? And they may well ask, why go to the moon? We choose to go to the Presidency, not because it is easy. But because it is necessary. Policy must change to organize the best of our energies and skills for a Vital Earth. It is a challenge we are willing to take, one that can not be postponed any longer. And we will win.


Along the way
Between 25 and 59
I lost
My Perfection

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Be A Chooser

I can guide you out of the
                                          Be Wilderment
I can show you paths
I have learned
I will not talk until I am blue
Follow me a bit
Into your own
Along my sharing
Your paths will sprout
And then you must
Among the greenery your uniqueness
Wether I follow or
Walk side by side
Makes no difference

It is in the sharing where Magic blossoms


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Magic Ones

Whispering, the fox urged me to open my eyes. There outside your window the suns sphere is re-birthing into the horizon. Open your eyes. Open your vision to this world. Breath. A deep orange infused my bed room. I jumped out of bed half believing I would be swimming in liquid light. Even more spectacular I seemed to be breathing in radiance. I paused to check if I was still dreaming, was this some world where the fox and two leggeds talk like old friends meeting for a morning coffee? No, this is earth where my body lies still so my soul may travel to fields of play such as I came from. I walk outside now, still breathing in and out a radiance of sensations as if I have never lived here before. Variations of orange into yellow take place among a blue where drifting cloudy whites unveil above me. How fantastic this world is. How can it be I feel this in such a new way?
I paused to remember were I just traveled from. I was with a vibrant orange fox in a field of play, liquid in movement. We swam and did not generate breath that is so vibrant here, alive upon the horizon. We swam into a painting to have coffee in a sunny France beside a rebuilt Notre-Dame, pouring out stain glass light into the square. We were a people of the Rose. We brought medicines to our clan beside a river. Before the shape shifting of fox back to her ancient form, she whispered me awake to my body in bed. We took a single breath here together and I understood it's medicine to her people beside the river. I wonder now, has she ever lived here in this fantastic world alive with breath and color? Who are these people of the Rose?

Photo: Linda Fox

Lucid Into the Memory of the People

I dreamt a memory of grandmother. I woke into the dream sitting with grandmother in front of a boulder rock in a river bed. She was teaching...