Sunday, July 26, 2020

Dreaming With The Bees

I as dreamer am flying from my body in bed just a little ways into my backyard along the inbetween space where the corn field meets the unmowed yard. I see children, maybe human and maybe not, frolicking along this space. They are wearing gas masks and I feel disheartened. I find my whole self collecting into one calm breath before going deeper into this dream. Then a sensation as if a veil poofs away. I am four now. I am me flying above aware of my embodied thoughts and self in bed. This me is as an umbrella holding the image of the children energy wearing gas masks and asking how can this be changed. I am another who wears the face of the sun. I am another who wears the face of the honeycomb geometry. I am another who flies swiftly with focused intent. It is intense to hold the sight of gas masked children/bees. As I dream with/as the two faces, sun and honeycomb, the buzzing one takes us through several points of actions that have the children playing unmasked along the corn and yard. I watch and feel the hexagonal communications and my face shifts hues of green. I watch the subtle designs come into the honeycomb, like buddings of plants through seasons. Myself in bed breaths deep and leaves this dream. I wake quivering. I say, what if I plant selenium, will that help?
Feeling: sad and hopeful mixed together

Reality Check and Action plan: - The non-cooperation among the farmers around my home results in many different chemicals being sprayed with no regard to their interactions. It is eerie how toxins get normalized into social use in my country.
                         + I have been  asking about the bees and the eerie lack of them since I have come to this farm. This summer around the prayer garden and the shaking of the lovely mulberry, mighty pollinator, a large collective of honey bees buzzed about me. I sat with them on the unmowed lawn in the clover several weeks ago. My heart was in such delightful laughter just like it gets when I play with children.
                         + I am experiencing how one action has a ripple effect on this farm and with this farmer and me. I will not let my mind fall!
                         + Many years ago, with my younger son, we did a curriculum piece around planting selenium and all the benefits to soil and... I'll do a study for a week with this and whatever else comes.
                         + I'm excited to be joining in a teaching tour at a regenerative organic farm 80 miles away. The farmer I live with and I have worked out how not to use chemicals in the horses field.
                          + I am growing patience within. I will pay extra attention to what attracts me this week. Writing this my attention is attracted to this toy my dog has chosen to play with beside me. I see it is a sphere shaped from hexagons.
                           + Pay attention to what is said and seen in any in between or transitional spaces. Esp. pay attention to what I speak upon waking.

1 comment:

  1. Check out Dr. Zach Bush and his organization FARMER’S FOOTPRINTS.


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