Saturday, January 11, 2020

An Ancient Calm

Last night when she licked my face to startle me awake I was not so grateful. I put on my warmest clothes and went for a walk in the milky light, full moon so bright. The walk took us around the shed and down a walkway beside the marshy patch. It was when I stepped into the place of trees, I finally grew gratitude for this puppy who woke me. 

Back inside I slipped under that cozy blanket into a wakeful sleep. The hypnagogic is filled with animals again and I was peaceful enough to hold that flow without becoming overwhelmed. I entered this state of being from the state of being brought to me on my moonwalk. I continued the practice of calming beyond alerting to every animal rushing by. My curiosity entered me and grabbed attention toward a most unusual deer. She lay there so calm in the rush of animals.

Before the experiences of the deeper dreaming, my being in the liminal prepared my senses into a focus for the next field of being. It is not unlike putting on a warm coat for a wintery moonwalk about the farm. Breathing into that warm pause I notice her antlers reforming. I hold my attention to the “Fearn” letters. Now there instead of antlers is a message. All my senses, like a warm blanket gathered to listen, “I will take you to the alder tree. The doorway opens with the sound of my hooves. Ride with me now. Ride.”  It was a smooth ride, the sensation shift was not unlike going from the outside into my home space. I dropped my thicker coat of consciousness. Then dropping bare feet onto the warm moss, I pause into that sensation. To be awake in my dream body not as solid as the physical, seems to afford me a deeper sensual connection. The brook here filters only the freshest of babbling sounds, touching the ancient stones. My hiraeth is at ease. This is a much-needed respite from the loud tumult of modernity’s fears. This, I carry back into my day. The moon gently bows to the sun lit time. This an ancient calm that does not shout, nor worry, I carry back with in me. I carry it back to the sun time of my physical body. It is a warm, steady sensation, fluid upon the ancient stones, song steady and I part ways from the chaos of modernity’s fears.

Image by Semka

1 comment:

Lucid Into the Memory of the People

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