Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Pilgrimage and the Remaking of the Obelisk
(Writing from Dreams)

On a pilgrimage with a small group that I can feel but not see, I wake up walking toward a townhouse in a cityscape. I have the map in my mind of the hostels that will take us in along the way. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. A man in a shower robe answers. My mind from this life with my body in bed dreaming this dream whispers, He looks like that painting I saw of Seth. I will call this mind Patty in this telling of the story. The round faced man looks at me and announces that I must have the wrong house. Another one that I travel with presents an Obelisk about six feet tall. I am that one now bringing the Obelisk out that we easily carry in the style of Mary Poppins or Hermione Granger. It is a new Obelisk, re-made from a ceremony of woman placing corners stones of unique colors.  We say, We are here to see "bla,bla". The man in the robe says, "Oh you mean the Doctor. Yes please come in."

We enter and make our way down the spiral steps to a cavernous area lit from the pool of water. I feel familiarity and that lovely longing stirring. I am slower, more graceful a form here. I slip into the waters and see my sisters break away into several personalities to swim in the water. Our collective sensation is that we have been traveling too long without immersing in the waters. Now I am scanning for a companion I have known most of my Being. As I reach out through time I find him slipping into this cavernous pool here where the water is such a peaceful glow. He is in his new Avatar body and I notice I have a new one also. Our skin is white and seems to glow with the waters when immersed. We spend time in conversation about our travels and discoveries. Then we join in a warm love making. Our hips joined together offering upward immersed in the glow of these waters. I step out of the water and put on clothing, unlike my traveling clothes. I walk up the stairs to a different dream space. Entering a TV room just left of the front door,  I see two younger sisters to Patty. They are watching their favorite show. One sister looks like herself and the other doesn't look like herself. I say hello, but don't stay to watch the program.

Feeling: anticipation of more chapters to come

Reality Check: 1. When I shared this with my younger sisters, the one that didn't look like herself told me she had been playing mermaids with her grandson the day before. What was intriguing is that they had never watched a mermaid show and her grandson decided she should play the evil mermaid. Evil to my grand nephew means being chased and caught and chased again. 2. There is a whole other story that I slipped into and I witness the re-making of the Obelisk among women. 3. I have dreamt of a spirit home for me where there is a pool in it that has a feel of this level of dreaming.

Question: I don't understand what I wrote, "...and see my sisters break away into several personalities." The sisters I am referring to are those I am traveling with. I am thinking it has to do with Avatar bodies? What does the Seth series say about personalities?
                How do I work on getting better at recognizing words I speak in dreams? I often wake and it's all bla bla. I do retain a conceptual understanding when I wake from languages I can not re speak here.

Research: Robert Moss writes about Seth as describing himself as, "I am an energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical matter... " This from Robert's interesting blog post, The inner psychic combustion that gave us a great multidimensional teacher:.

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