When I was in girl scouts my Mom was one of our leaders. On
an outing we stopped for ice cream and a Woman, perhaps homeless, stopped to
talk with me. My Mom waved me over observably concerned. She said something
around the lines of “that woman could be dangerous”. I wanted to finish
listening to this woman’s story. I reassured Mom that it would be ok, she had
eyes on me the whole time. Nothing bad was going to happen. I went back to
finish our conversation and asked the Woman why people might be afraid of her.
I remember she gave me this brilliant answer. I listened to a few of her
stories and saw and felt Beauty. I will never forget what she said to me when I
went to go rejoin the group. “I Love you little one.” I knew that love and
spoke it back to her. This was the first time that I can remember sensing fear,
attached to a thought, attached to a larger fearful collective thinking from my
Mom. I knew it wasn’t healthy how
Mom acted on this thought form she was attached to. I am talking health, not
bad or good.
I do believe Love and Beauty are of the same field “that
arises from the grammar of the world”, and therefore connected deeply to Creator. I believe the human heart easily grows
within this field. I am wondering if those that have long practiced acting from
this relationship of heart and say this ancient creator force, have a steady
Beauty about them. I am not talking personality trait. I have met too many
grumpy old farts holding a steady pulse within this Way. I am not talking about
Beauty in the sense of that Barbie Doll beauty that Hollywood throws up like
some monster factory for profit. That is not Beauty.
John O’Donahue wrote a lovely book called Beauty. The one
comment I don’t agree with is when he says, Beauty does not linger, it only
visits. I find it similar to how Carlo Rovelli
in his book The Order of Time, writes about linear time “not being of the
grammar of the world”, but arises from it. I believe there is an undeniable
coupling of Love and Beauty that play in the relational experiences of this