Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Beginning of the Return of the Giants

Once upon a long long time ago our ancestors talked stories of Giants. This was after the Giants had left the world to linger in that in between space that supports the world in the same magical way love does. It came to pass that a younger daughter of a Miller, raised in Norway where stories of Giants still lingered, discovered a passage and the real of in between. Modern day physics talks about it in the word dimension, in between seems a more specific wording.

As Waymir grew she dreamt with the Giants and came into her own way, transforming into a Giant herself in the in between space where the mind awakens to soul's senses.  Once when she was grown and a mother of two she was gifted with a magic frame of all the children who had touched her life so deeply. In that deep knowing way of her heart carried this frame into the world of Giants. Giants are known to be grand protectors of children.

Each night that Waymir brought the frame through, a golden canvas with in it's boarders grew. When the canvas was complete , the Giants taught her how to stir it into the flow and pulse with the river that imbues all life in the universe. It took her many visits before she broke from the enamored spell of being able to do this. No longered enamored she felt a Joy to stay the luscious sensation of the river flow within. All life was there pulsing fresh, vibrant in the sensations of Soul.

The Giants gathered around her now with curiosity. What would she do with this skill to thrive as she stirred the golden liquid alive? Waymir came into her name as she grew the skill of holding awareness here and with her small body in bed a sleep. I will step into it she announced. I wish to explore the different states and it's lands. She started with the big blue planet many call Earth. This was the beginning of the stirring of the Giants back into the worlds.

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