Sharon Ede in an article titled Bugs Bunny, Archetypes and The Art of War for Change writes: Yet the process of achieving change, which I like to think of as switching the frequency, can often feel like a battle. In terms of archetypes, the concept of a trickster is not necessarily someone who deceives others into doing things-the role of trickster in mythology and folklore includes raising consciousness, and disobeying norms and conventions. In other words, tricksters can be frequency disruptors.
As a woman finding herself with strong trickster energies disturbing the complacency of her culture, or , "deflating the pompousness of it's symbols". A degree of warrior training seems especially important in cultures promoting a singular place of power for women, behind and in silence from the public and policy making stage. Wikipedia writes that "The job of any trickster... is to think the thoughts and do the things that they say can't be done." This seems especially important for sub marginalized groups such as women kind around the globe.
Bugs Bunny is not just a disruptor as in the scenes from Long Haired Hare, but is clever and capable of outsmarting anyone who would antagonize him. This is demonstrated at the end, in the longer clip from this episode. "Bugs is a tactician who understands the psyche and traits of those around him. "Sharon goes on to write: Bugs is a smart strategist and aware of what goes on around him and what dynamics are at play. Perhaps he has read Sun Tzu's The Art of War from 6 BC? Although change can often feel like 'war' at times... it is not helpful or wise to approach change from a combative mindset. Ironically, one of the messages of this text on warfare is how to avoid battle through meticulous preparation and planning. A powerful quote: "Therefore a victorious army first wins and then seeks battle; a defeated army first battles and then seeks victory..."
Trickster as an agent for change toward vibrant healing, drops the combative mindset, and grounds deep within her heart to push back. She opens positions of power for her women kind; above, below, within, without, behind, in front, and beside. The Warrior of the Art of Trickster knows when the time is Now and when the time is Go.
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